Wednesday, September 28, 2011


He was a Texan named Arch West and in 1966 he invented delicious in a bag. The chip product that would become an emotional eater's favorite nightmare…Ok...but seriously we have to pay tribute to him. We can all admit that Doritos played a big part in every sleepover we ever had. Every football Sunday, Superbowl party, BBQ, and get-together ever. You can't imagine a world without it on the shelves.  Nay. You DONT WANT a world without it on the shelves. (check out the links - their hilarious old Doritos commercials)

Internet rumors confirm that the family will be pouring chips into the coffin…Semi-Overweight can't think of a higher honor. R.I.P Arch West. 

P.S - How did he live to 97 years old? And one more question…Where did the 3-D Doritos go? Those were a revelation!

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